Another SUCCESSFUL Midday Social networking event!

Thank you for yet another SUCCESSFUL The Midday Social!

Midday Social

(Left to right) John Laurenti from 100.7 WZLX, Steve Scarpetti from 94 HJY, Stephanie Rose from UNregular Radio.

We’d like to thank our industry rep panel which started off with John Laurenti from Boston’s Classic Rock, 100.7 WZLX. We hope you were all listening to him. If not, we got video. John, was one of the most honest presenters I have ever seen. It was refreshing. He even had some great suggestions on how we could improve the event for next time. And Scarpetti from 94 HJY was just as insightful. These guys are in the industry and know how commercial radio works so watch the video and take notes! Stephanie from UNregular RadioAlternative Rock Radio &Rose Rundown rounded off the first panel perfectly. She not only gave tips on radio but spoke about her music blog, as well.

The second panel shifted gears from radio and brought fresh new topics to the social. Jessica from Limelight Magazine gave actionable tips that I hope every band implements. Our entertainment attorney, Tony, from the Law Office of A. B. Timpano II had a serious impact on the crowd when he spoke about not waiting to find an attorney when it’s too late and the damage had been done. Helping bands get out of bad contracts is a messy thing! Sit down with him before you reach that level and make sure you’re protected. Lastly, Darcie, from & EVO Audio Group, tied it all together discussing her roll in helping artists navigate the business side of their careers.

The Midday SocialThank you to all our presenters!

We’d also like to thank all our performing artists. Especially the mighty Chris Masson who not only brought his gear and ran sound in the back room for the entire night, but sacrificed some of his stage time to let other artists perform. I sincerely hope you all caught his performance.

Thanks to Rob from 6 Foot Sunday, Kris from Viking Jesus – Kris Hansen Andrew Spatz LiveSilhouette RisingValencourtJosh Beetler Guitar Player & Nick Deluca Music. You all payed fantastic sets!

There were also some great unscheduled performances in the back room. For the next Social the back room will be solely for impromptu “jam” sessions while the main stage will have the scheduled performers. We will only have about three scheduled performances next time as we’d like to have enough time to play all the music submissions from the bands in attendance.

Finally, we’d like to thank everyone who helped out and made the event possible. Couldn’t have done it without the heavy lifting from Pat of PALS, Bryan, David & Marcus of the Satellites Fall/Midday Records family. (Bryan also plays in 51 Shortfalls). Thanks to Joe and Platforms Dance Club for hosting us. Brian and his crew at EVO Audio Group for running sound in the main room. Chris Masson for running sound in the back room. Wicked Famous Productions & CrashBoomBang Media for videoing and photographing the night. The lovely bar tenders. And all the great industry reps for making themselves available!

Most importantly, thank you to all the local musicians, artists and bands for coming out. Proof that we have a THRIVING music scene!

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